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(916) 235-8532INFO@DOUGFORYOU.COM / (800) 688-DOUG



Personal injuries impact the life of not only the person involved, but the lives of their family, friends and even co-workers. In addition to severe physical and emotional trauma and distress, there are often substantial financial consequences that arise from serious injuries, such as lost income, medical expenses, diminished earnings and more.

DOUG ROTHSCHILD, P.C. is committed to helping people get through what is often one of the most painful, frustrating and difficult periods of their lives. From start to finish, we help our clients navigate the process and are committed to being available when they need us.

Every client and every accident is unique and brings a unique set of circumstances. Because of this, we listen intently to our clients, getting to know them and their families. For us, it truly is personal. We maintain a friendly, yet professional environment where our clients feel comfortable. Our open communication with clients makes them feel empowered by their own knowledge and understanding of the process and status of their cases. We answer clients’ questions promptly, clearly and concisely. Through it all, our goal is to protect our clients’ legal rights and ensure their lives get back on track.

D O U G   R O T H S C H I L D,  P. C. 

T H E  I N J U R Y  L A W  F I R M​

E M A I L : I N F O @ D O U G F O R Y O U . C O M

P H :   ( 9 1 6 )  2 3 5  -  8 5 3 2

F X : ( 9 1 6 )  2 3 5  -  9 4 0 4 

2 3 7 7  G O L D   M E A D O W  WAY,   S T E   1 0 0

  G O L D   R I V E R ,   C A   9 5 6 7 0

1 - 8 0 0 - 6 8 8 - D O U G



©  2 0 2 4  D O U G  R O T H S C H I L D,  P. C.  |  A L L   R I G H T S   R E S E R V E D | S A C R A M E N T O  P E R S O N A L  I N J U R Y  L A W Y E R S 

The information on this website is for general information purposes only.
Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. 
This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.
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