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C A S E   A G E N T TM

After learning about this law office, you may realize that our legal specialty (i.e., personal injury law) is not the legal specialty you need. Because many people are often unsure of the correct specialty of lawyer needed to handle their case, we offer consumers our free CASE AGENT lawyer referral service. Here's how it works.

Let's say you have contacted our office and shared with us the facts of your potential case. If your potential case falls outside of our practice area, we can suggest to you the type of lawyer who might be able to help. We know the names and specialties of lawyers throughout California. We know who we would recommend to our family and friends. Our experience and knowledge helps you take the guesswork out of hiring a lawyer. That is the essence of our CASE AGENT lawyer referral service. You've heard of talent agents and real estate agents? Why not work with a CASE AGENT? Through this service, we work to educate, inform, and advise you as to the kind of lawyer you need for your particular legal matter. For example, we have referred consumers to lawyers who practice in the following legal areas:


So, even if you don't have a traditional personal injury case, please feel free to contact us and ask about our CASE AGENT lawyer referral service. Do you need a real estate lawyer, a criminal defense lawyer, an estate planning lawyer? Not sure? DOUG ROTHSCHILD, P.C.'s attorneys have practiced law throughout California, and their experience allows them to analyze the facts of your legal case, and recommend a lawyer with a specialty that matches your needs. We love educating and helping people find their way through the often confusing and intimidating legal landscape. 

The CASE AGENT lawyer referral service is provided at no cost to you and you are under no obligation to hire the recommended lawyer.

Call or email now!

Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney
Sacramento personal injury lawyer helping people obtain compensation for their injury case. Negligence lawyer, auto accident lawyer, toxic mold attorney

D O U G   R O T H S C H I L D,  P. C. 

T H E  I N J U R Y  L A W  F I R M​

E M A I L : I N F O @ D O U G F O R Y O U . C O M

P H :   ( 9 1 6 )  2 3 5  -  8 5 3 2

F X : ( 9 1 6 )  2 3 5  -  9 4 0 4 

2 3 7 7  G O L D   M E A D O W  WAY,   S T E   1 0 0

  G O L D   R I V E R ,   C A   9 5 6 7 0

1 - 8 0 0 - 6 8 8 - D O U G



©  2 0 2 4  D O U G  R O T H S C H I L D,  P. C.  |  A L L   R I G H T S   R E S E R V E D | S A C R A M E N T O  P E R S O N A L  I N J U R Y  L A W Y E R S 

The information on this website is for general information purposes only.
Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. 
This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.
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